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Video: 5 Sales Strategies to Get Your Team Closing More Sales

Every sales leader wants to get their team closing more deals than they lose. It's more profitable for them, better for your customers, keeps your CEO off your back and everyone's a winner!

Watch this video where we share 5 Sales Strategies you can implement to get every salesperson in your business closing more sales.

If you guide your sales team by giving them a toolkit to implement these strategies, you’ll have your CEO celebrating you as the sales leader that everyone wants to work with and that huge bonus at the end of the year will be pretty awesome too!

Video Transcript:

Hi everyone! Top salespeople are hard to find and even harder to keep. But if you guide your mediocre performers by giving them a toolkit to implement these strategies, you'll have your CEO celebrating you as the sales leader that everyone wants to work for. And that huge bonus at the end of the year will be pretty awesome too. Every sales leader wants to get their team closing more details, closing more deals than they lose. It's more profitable for them, better for your customers and keeps your CEO off your back so everyone's a winner. Keep watching this video and I'll share the 5 strategies that you can implement to get every salesperson in your business closing more sales. Strategy number 1: Ask more questions that establish exactly what your customer wants as it relates to your product. You'd be surprised how many salespeople go straight into pitch mode before establishing what the person in front of them actually wants. When you have clarity on what matters to your customer, position your product or service as the root for them to get what they want. Strategy number 2: Identify what's getting in the way of what your customers' success looks like and what frustrations this is causing them. And also, any other decision-makers in the process. Whether you are B2B or B2C, you're selling to a human being and human beings get frustrated, worried, anxious, annoyed. They have hopes, fears and dreams. It's at this level that your salespeople need to connect. Strategy number 3: Identify how their key stakeholders will be perceived by colleagues if they successfully engage with your product or service. If your sales team can figure out where their main contact sits in the organisation, and who they need to impress or avoid disappointing, it will help with positioning and differentiating your product or service. Strategy number four. Get clear on what the risk and consequences are of not engaging with your company and how they will be perceived if they don't engage. A word of caution here. Play this small and don't be a fearmonger. Keep it factual and respectful. This is about calling your customers to action and helping them to avoid the consequences of inaction. Remember, if there's nothing at stake, why would I buy your product or service? Now, it's likely there are common stakes for many of your customers but you still need to establish and validate them. When it comes to discussions around price, this is particularly useful. It's a time when you can remind your customer actually what's at stake because after all, you're there to help them succeed and it's important to remind them of the value and ultimate success they can achieve by engaging with you. Strategy number 5: Lose the fear of asking a dumb question or saying something your client might not want to hear. It's at this stage that you can lose or gain the respect and trust of your customer. Leaving questions unasked or not telling your customers the truth is only going to come back to bite you later. Ask more open questions, be more curious and don't be afraid of speaking up with clients. Be direct, tell your client the truth and even if you think it's not what they want to hear, in the long run, you have to challenge some clients to take action in order to get the best result for them. Are you happy with your sales team's ability to close sales? Are their close ratios leaving you to answer questions from your CEO about lost opportunities? If you need help building sales capability, sales tools, sales scripts or a sales enablement strategy, email me on, and I'll be happy to help.

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